This is What Students are Saying About Shareen:

“Now that Miles is off to College, he is still excited about the piano and literally practices all the time on a variety of songs, along with working on making up songs of his own.  It seems like he tries to add a new song every week.” J. Bowman


“We don’t want anyone else but you to be our piano teacher.”
A. Burton (kids took lessons for 11 years)


“Isabel is so inspired now that she is taking lessons with you. She is using all of her talents including reading classical, writing her own songs and being able to figure out the chords by listening to a song." A. Svrediojevic

"Grace understands music better than I ever did after taking lessons as a kid." H. Barker


“Shareen taught all 4 of my children as they grew up and each one of them loves playing the piano.”
J. Baumgartner
